Lisa's insights have been highlighted in several local media channels and podcasts.

With a focus on anxiety and supporting the BIPOC community, she's made a meaningful impact on countless woman and genderqueer folks in Colorado, and hopes to continue this mission through her interviews and advocacy work.

Media Features

Shoutout Colorado

Taking risks in any aspect of your life can feel like a daunting task. Read about how Lisa learned to manage her fears and took risks to pursue her career as a therapist and private practice owner. 


Many of us take winding roads in order to get to a fulfilling career. Get to know Lisa and how she made the transition from public school teacher to private practice therapist. 

Do You Like Us? And Other Codependent Topics

Codependency is a relationship dynamic where one person assumes the role of "the giver" at the expense of their own well-being. In this podcast episode, Lisa discusses how cultural norms and values can impact codependency and boundary setting in relationships.

Interested in booking me for an upcoming event or interview?